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The Person of Christ

His Humble Birth
We Would Recall Thy Humble Birth
From Glory Thou Didst Come
To Tabernacle Here on Earth
A Stable Was Thou Home 

His Perfect Life
We Would Recall Thou Lovely Life
T’was Grace That Brought You Here
As Through This Scene of Sin And Strife
A Man Thou Didst Appear

His Death And Exaltation
And As We View Thy Cross of Shame
Our Hearts Would Humbled Be
We’ll Never Cease To Praise Thy Name
Throughout Eternity.

(John 1:36)

Dear Lord We Would Thy Path Retrace
None Other Yet Has Trod
It Was A Path of Purest Grace
That Led Thee Back To God

John 19:30
Thou Work on Earth Forever Done
To Set Poor Sinners Free
A Glorious Victory Thou Hast Won
By Thou Death Upon The Tree

John 1:29
Man’s Load of Sin Was Borne By Thee
And All God’s Wrath As Well
That Guilty Sinners Such As We
Might Ever With Thee Dwell


Born among cattle in Bethlehem’s stall
Infant so tiny yet upholding all
Low at His feet the shepherds did fall
Worshipping Jesus – Lord over all

Brought up in Nazareth rejected to be
Mixing with sinners – yet holy was He
Despised and rejected yet loving me
Soon to be taken and nailed to a tree

Outside the walls of Jerusalem we see
Infinite mercy – God’s love to me
Gone are His garments – naked was He
Soon in the darkness forsaken for me

Looking for comfort yet finding none
None to take pity the suffering one
Dying alone to put away sin
Opened the portals that all may go in

Tenderly taken from Golgotha’s tree
Led in the tomb of Joseph we see
The suffering is ended the victory is won
By the Lord Jesus – God’s only Son

Highly exalted He sits on the throne
Bearing a name no other can own
Sit on my right hand the Father did say
Glorified me – thou hast each step of the way


The power of God Creation shows,
His wisdom Nature doth disclose,
But by th’ Atonement He has shown
His love, which else had been unknown.
When chaos reigned in ceaseless night
His voice was heard: “Let there be light!”
And light, without sun, moon, or star,
Outshone and chased the darkness far!
His hand with beauty decked the scene
Which void and shapeless erst had been!
He breathed on Adam’s cold, clay frame,
And man a living soul became!
Was power exhausted as He stood
And, viewing all, pronounced it good?
Or was His wisdom at an end
When Nature’s laws He made to blend,
And caused the worlds through pathless space
Harmoniously to run their race?
And, though in these in vast degree
His wisdom and His power we see,
They are but glimmers, faint and dim—
All power and wisdom are in Him—
But more His Love could not have done
Than yielded up His only Son.

And why so much?—For nothing less
Could meet His claims in righteousness.
Angels could not for sin atone,
Or Christ had never left God’s throne:
For though they each a life had given,
Till empty were the realms of heaven,
E’en all could not have purged one sin,
And brought the pardoned sinner in,
Arrayed in garments pure and white,
To dwell in heaven’s unsullied light.

Had man but one wrong action done,
None but the Co-Eternal Son
Could for that single sin atone;
And then He must be left alone
To sink beneath Heaven’s angry wave,
With none to pity, none to save,
Till, overcome by Death and Hell,
He conquered, but to conquer, fell;
And in their own deep, dark domain
Must over them the victory gain.
And to His girdle bind their keys,
Ere He their prisoner could release.
Or, were there worlds for every star
That glimmers in the distance far,
And myriad souls contained in each
Whose number thought could never reach,
All burdened with a heavy load
Of guilt, and ‘neath the wrath of God,
God’s Son, upon the altar laid,
For all atonement could have made.
Yea, if for demons He had died,
He would for them have satisfied
God’s utmost claim, and made them meet
Around His throne to take their seat,
Not as before, with wing-veiled face,
But through the riches of His grace,
To rank among that blood-bought throng
Who sing for aye Redemption’s song.
Let none the ransom under-rate,
Or vainly try to estimate
What God in Christ for sin endured
Ere man’s salvation was procured.
Vain were the task to try to sum
The sufferings which would have come
On all mankind lost through the Fall!
Yet satisfaction for it all
God has received; and hence He can
Extend to every fallen man
Salvation—pardon full and free—
Which is his own the moment he,
Lost, ruined, helpless and undone,
Believes on Jesus, God’s dear Son.

The vail within God’s house of old,
That hid the mercy-seat of gold,
With cherubim was strangely wrought,
Which sadly to the memory brought
The gate of Eden, where these stood
With flaming sword lest man intrude,
And showed that Justice veiled God’s face,
And stayed the current of His grace.
But, when the vail was rent in twain,
The cherubim were seen again—
No more a terror to the heart,
But of the mercy-seat a part;
Beneath their wings the sprinkled blood,
Inviting sinners near to God.
Th’ Atonement is the mercy seat
Where God the guilty one can meet,
And show him how his sins are gone,
Through what the Lord of Life hath done.
There Truth and Mercy met together,
Justice and Peace have kissed each other,
God’s attributes are harmonized,
And in His boundless love baptized;
There Justice, which we once did fear,
With outstreached hands invites us near,
And every soul by, sin defiled
May unto God be reconciled.

What means a universal call
If there be not enough for all?
As if the Saviour passed some by
While He for others’ sins did die,
And that, though all are told to come,
There’s but provision made for some;
Or that, in some mysterious way,
The Scriptures mean not what they say.
The mighty work of Jesus scan—
He “tasted death for every man.”
He “died for all” that they who live
Back to Himself that life should give.
He has for all Atonement made—
For all mankind the ransom paid.
God loved the world; and when He gave
His Son, it was the world to save
And though He knew some would not take
Of the provision He would make,
The foreseen choice of self-willed man
Changed not Heaven’s universal plan,
As in the love that moved His heart,
All in the Atonement had a part.

If not, He only mocks their fate
Who presses all ere ‘tis too late,
To trust a work not for them done
To take a pardon while there’s none,
To fly from hell without a way,
Or perish if they disobey.
They never can the sinner reach
Who thus a crippled Gospel preach.
‘Tis he who knows of food for all
That only can afford to call
A hungry world to come and feed—
All others would but mock their need.
O tell the tidings all around,
That every soul may hear the sound—
Th’ Atoning work embraces all
Who were enveloped in the Fall.
To earth’s remotest regions go,
And preach to every child of woe,
Impartial who or what they be—
The rich, the poor, the bond, the free,
That Christ on their behalf has died,
That God with Him is satisfied,
And now is ready to forgive—
The simple terms, “Believe and live.”
William Blane


The Lord came down from heaven above
The lost to seek and save
And none need ever doubt His love
His life He freely gave

As man he graced the wedding feast
The water turned to wine
As God He spake and storms were ceased
A proof He was Divine

His tender heart was moved for all
The sons of Adams race
He saw the havoc of the fall
He moved in lowly grace

He fed the multitude with bread
He made the blind to see
He healed the sick He raised the dead
He set the captives free

The joy He brought to many a heart
No human tongue can tell
When words of peace He did impart
He has done all things well

Oh Lord may we from day to day
Prove worthy of Thy love
And something of Thy grace display
Until we meet above.


The Lord Jesus needs it,
The colt is brought along,
Borrowed by disciples amidst the happy throng,
Palm branches are cut down
And spread along the way,
The royal route prepared,
Like coronation day
While cloaks adorn His mount,
The Lord in lowly guise,
Rides to Jerusalem
Listening to their cries
Glory in the highest
Hosanna to our king,
In the name of the Lord,
Salvation He will bring,
But who is this coming, humbly upon an ass’
His citizens require,
As through the gates they pass,
Jesus of Nazareth, A prophet some do say,
His enemies are filled with anger and dismay,
For Him they have no place,
And so He does depart
From them and His city,
He truly knows their heart,
Now in their decision
The scriptures they fulfill
Despised and rejected,
His throne awaits Him still
To all who receive Him,
He gives the right to reign,
With Him in His kingdom
When He returns again,
In majestic power, enemies to subdue,
Righteous rule with justice,
And peace on earth secure.


Oh Lord, the Sunshine of our soul,
We lilt our eyes to Thee.
Remove the clouds that shut us out,
Let us Thy beauty see.

The shades of Calvary that hung
Between Thy God and Thee
We can’t forget, Thy cry we hear:
Thou hast forsaken Me.

The guilt of all our many sins
Thus made the darkness fall,
When God did make to meet on
Thee The sin of one and all.

But now Thy darkness all is past,
Thy realms are perfect light.
Through resurrection power we share
That day without a night.

So now we hear the watchman say,
When asked, “What of the night’”
“The morning comes, be of good cheer,
Change for the city bright.” (J. Curran)


Dear Lord we look alone to Thee
Thy precious blood our only plea
So freely shed on that cursed tree
That guilty sinners might go free

We stand upon redemption ground
Sins shackles now are all unbound
And on the glorious liberty
Enjoyed by all who trust in Thee

Thy precious blood speaks peace to all
Who humbly at Thy cross will fall
And There would view the crimson tide
That flowed Dear Lord from Thy pierced side

And Lord our theme will ever be
Throughout a long eternity
The precious ever precious blood
That reconciled us to God. R.A.
(10 – 2 – 66)


Jesus and Alexander died at thirty-three.
One lived and died for self; one died for you and me;
The Greek died on a throne; the Jew died on a cross;
One’s life a triumph seemed; the other but a loss.
One led vast armies forth; the other walked alone.
One shed a whole world’s blood; the other gave His own.
One won the world in life and lost it all in death;
The other lost His life to win the whole world’s faith.

Jesus and Alexander died at thirty-three.
One died in Babylon, and one on Calvary.
One gained all for himself; and one Himself He gave,
One conquered every throne; the other every grave.
The one made himself God, the God made Himself less,
The one lived but to blast, the other but to bless.
When died the Greek, forever fell his throne of swords;
But Jesus died to live forever Lord of lords.

Jesus and Alexander died at thirty-three.
The Greek made all men slaves; the Jew made all men free.
One built a throne on blood; the other built on love.
The one was born of earth; the other from above.
One won all this earth, to lose all earth and heaven.
The other gave up all, that all to Him be given.
The Greek forever died; the Jew forever lives.
He loses all who gets, and wins all things who gives.
Charles Ross Weede


He made the forests whence there sprung
The tree on which His body hung;

He died upon a cross of wood
Yet made the hill on which it stood!

The sky which darkened o’er His head
By Him above the earth was spread;

The sun which hid from Him its face
By His decree was poised in space!
Author unknown

Proverbs 25:11

He talked of grass, and wind, and rain,
And fig trees and fair weather,
And made it His delight to bring
Heaven and this earth together.
He spoke of lilies, vines, and corn,
The sparrow and the raven,
And words so natural, yet so wise,
Were on men’s hearts engraven.
Author unknown


The son He left His throne up there
and down to earth He came
A guilty world’s sin to bear
Oh praise His Holy name

The Spirit now with sinners pleads
Convicting them of sin
And graciously He intercedes
To grant them peace within

And now there’s joy in heaven above
When sinners bow the knee
And trust the One who proved His love
And glory brings to Thee. (R.A.10 – 12 – 64)


Around the cross we gather
Our hearts unite as one
To thank Thee God and Father
For Thy Beloved Son

We view with adoration
The One who set us free
Who purchased our salvation
By dying on the tree

And now in glory seated
He bore sin’s curse alone
His work on earth completed
His rightful place the throne

We humbly bow before Him
And join with heaven’s accord
To worship and adore Him
Our risen and glorified Lord.


Through a scene of sin and sorrow
Lies our lowly pilgrim way,
All around us death and darkness,
All before us blissful day;
And the Morning Star of promise
Brightly shines our hearts to cheer,
As we follow in the pathway
Of the One who is not here.

O’er the world’s most pleasing prospect
Lies the shadow of the cross;
In the light of Christ in glory
All earth offers is but dross.
This delusive scene around us
Boundeth all the world holds dear;
We have found our rest for ever
In the One who is not here.

Long ‘neath sin and Satan’s power
Hath the earth in bondage lain,
Waiting the divine Deliverer,
And Messiah’s glorious reign.
On the world’s horizon loometh
Signs that soon He may appear—
Signs that gladden, signs that sadden,
All who’re waiting for Him here.

But He cometh as the Bridegroom,
Ere appearing as the King,
His beloved Bride enraptured
To the Father’s house to bring;
And we’re waiting and we’re looking
For the Day-Star to appear,
For our pilgrim hearts are longing
For the One who is not here.


We thank Thee for the child that was born
We thank Thee for the Son that was given
We thank Thee for the joy to know
One day we’ll tread the courts of heaven
All glory to that Blessed One
The Father’s Well Beloved Son


In swaddling clothes the Saviour see
While in a manger laid,
The Son of virgin birth was He
The shepherds homage paid.

The garment that the Saviour wore
Was woven all throughout
One woman touched, any many more
Were healed without a doubt.

His garments laid aside did wash
His own disciples feet
The One, God manifest in flesh
His love knew no defeat.

A purple robe the Saviour wears
In mockery to His claim
The cross in quietness He bears
Out to that place of shame.

They stripped Him of His garment there
For it a lot was cast
Where is the one who did it wear
When time on earth was past’

In grave clothes He is wrapped in
In borrowed tomb He lay
Around His head a napkin
Joseph for all did pay.

In Patmos Isle His robe is long
With golden girdle tied
Heaven and earth to Him belong
He death and hell defied.

His garments now are crimson red
For they are dipped in blood
And in winepress He does tread
‘Tis in the wrath of God.

His garment was a snowy white
And on a throne did sit
And this was like a shining light
The wheels in five that lit.

All Thy garments of myrrh do smell
He is His saints delight
He ransomed them from death and hell
To dwell in glory bright.

The One who all these garments wore
Can be your Saviour now
‘Twas on the cross your sins He bore
Be wise and to Him bow.


“In pastures green?”—Not always. Sometimes
He, who knoweth best, in kindness leadeth me
In weary ways, where heavy shadows be;
Out of the sunshine warm and soft and bright,
Out of the sunshine into darkest night;
I oft would faint with sorrow and affright,
Only for this—I know He holds my hand;
So whether led in green or desert land,
I trust, although I may not understand.

“And by still waters?”—No, not always so.
Ofttimes the heavy tempests round me blow,
And o’er my soul the waves and billows go.
But when the storm beats loudest, and I cry
Aloud for help, the Master standeth by,
And whispers to my soul, “Lo, it is I!”
Above the tempest wild I hear Him say,
“Beyond the darkness lies the perfect day;
In every path of thine I lead the way.”

So, whether on the hill-tops high and fair
I dwell, or in the sunless valleys where
The shadows lie,—what matter? He is there;
And more than this:—where’er the pathway
Lead He gives to me no helpless broken reed,
But His own hand, sufficient for my need.
So where He leads me I can safely go;
And in the blest hereafter I shall know
Why, in His wisdom, He hath led me so.

WHOM SHALL I SEND’ Isaiah, 35, 42 & 61

Whom shall I send’
Now who for us shall go’
Unto these people
My loving kindness show.

Here am I – send me
Thy message to proclaim
Unto every man
In Thy most Holy Name.

To preach good tidings
Unto all who are meek
For all the captives
The liberty they seek.

And the heartbroken
He has sent me to bind
To loosen all those
Who in sin’s bonds I find.

For those in darkness
The freedom of the light
Hearing for the deaf
And for the blind new sight.


The Saviour was promised when Adam did sin
The seed of the woman would victory win
By crushing the serpent and bruising his head
He rendered him powerless, when for sin He bled.

God’s love to His creatures we plainly can see
When Jesus the Saviour was nailed to the tree
To purchase salvation for sinful man’s guilt
And cleanse man from sin in the blood that was spilt.

The mansions of glory He’s gone to prepare
And all the redeemed shall a place in them share
To dwell with the Saviour whose face they shall see
And with Him, and like Him, forever they’ll be.

Lord help us to live then for Him who was slain
For soon He is coming and coming to reign
Then all of creation will bow to His sway
And all His redeemed ones will hail that glad day.

The Saviour is coming, His promise He’ll keep
The living saints changed, the dead raised from sleep
And then in the glory His travail He’ll see
The fruit of His sufferings and satisfied be. M.H.


When the Lord of glory was crucified—
Before He bowed His head and died—
Seven times He spoke—let us all then hear,
As these blessed words fall upon our ear.

His cross was placed on Golgotha’s hill—
He was fulfilling His Father’s will,
As He took our place in judgment and death,
And suffered in the sinner’s stead.

As they drove the nails through His feet and hands,
Was it justice that He from His God demands?
Nay, instead He beholds them in love and grace,
And thus He prayed for His enemies:

“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Have these words, dear friend, ever reached you?
‘Twas also for you that the Saviour prayed,
And the hand of just retribution stayed.

Two robbers were crucified there with Him,
Who were suffering justly for their sin.
But one repented before he died,
And turned to the Saviour by his side.

And said in tones of expectancy:
“Lord, when Thou comest in Thy kingdom remember me.”
He saw that Christ was the true Messiah,
The Blessed, Anointed One of Jehovah.

“Verily I say unto thee,” the Saviour replies,
“Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.”
This unworthy sinner was saved that day,
And you may be too, if you come God’s way.

As He lovingly looked upon Mary and John,
He said to her, “Woman, behold thy Son”;
And then said to him, “Behold thy mother.”
So, from that hour on they lived together.

Then for three hours darkness covered the land,
And we see God’s rod in His uplifted hand.
The stroke must fall—oh, wondrous grace!—
It fell on Jesus, Who took our place.

His cry of distress as He hung on that tree:
“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”
Was heard from that darkness when He was made sin,
That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

And now, to fulfill the Scriptures—God’s Word—
“I thirst” from His parched, burning lips was heard;
But they had no pity—no water they gave,
Instead reached Him vinegar Who died man to save.

When He knew there was now no more to fulfill,
(His joy and food was to do His Father’s will)
He cried, “It is finished” with voice loud and clear,
That all, without exception, those blessed words might hear.

Atonement completed, He bowed His blessed head,
“Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit,” He said.
He dismissed His spirit—the Lord of glory died—
The justice of God was completely satisfied.

But we cannot stop this sweet story here:
He was raised the third day the Scriptures declare.
A living, loving Saviour, He’s in the glory now,
Oh, will you not receive Him—to Him your knee bow?

And, oh, blessed truth, He’s coming again
To receive to Himself those belonging to Him!
Are you ready for this most important event?
Can you say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus, Amen?”


The Lord who is the great ‘I Am’
To meet the sinners need
In love to man became the Lamb
Who did for sinners bleed. M.H.


To David’s fair city the Saviour once came
Was born of a virgin of no earthly fame
He was the Son given and Almighty God
Creator of all things but slept on the sod.

His life was of suffering, sorrow and shame
The world was His own but His rights did not claim
The foxes had holes and the birds had their nest
The Mount of Olives the place of His rest.

His coming to earth was to purchase a bride
His riches in glory He did lay aside
As Kinsman Redeemer, He’ll do His part
His duties as such He never will thwart.

The price of redemption He freely has paid
When our sins which were many upon Him were laid
The cry from His lips, ‘It is finished’ he said
And the Almighty Victor then bowed His head.

In glory the Bridegroom will come for His bride
The bride that He purchased when for her he died
And now she is watching and waiting each day
To hear that loud shout to arise come away.

Come then, Lord Jesus, we are waiting to hear
The sound of the trumpet so loud and so clear
And then in a moment transformed we shall be
Made like our dear Bridegroom whose face we shall see.


There’s not a craving of the mind
Which Jesus cannot fill.
There’s not a pleasure I would seek
Aside from His dear will.
From hour to hour He fills my soul
With peace and perfect love;
While rich supplies for ev’ry need
He sendeth from above.

The joys which this vain world bestow
Have lost their charm for me.
Once I enjoyed its trifles too,
But Jesus set me free.
Its joys will perish in a day,
Its pleasure quickly fly;
Its mirth like mist will pass away,
And all its honors die.

He stilled the angry tempest’s power,
Which raged within my heart;
And bade each sinful passion there
To speedily depart.
Yes, Jesus is my All in All,
He satisfies my soul,
For me He died on Calvary,
And now He makes me whole.

Yes, Jesus is my Lord alone,
My Rock, my Strength, my Song,
My Wisdom and my Refuge safe;
To Jesus I belong.
He is my Advocate with God,
My Way, my Life, my Light,
My Great Physician and my Friend,
My Guide by day and night.


And now in glory seated
He bore sins curse alone
His work on earth completed
His rightful place the throne

We humbly bow before Him
And join with heaven’s accord
To worship and adore Him
Our risen and glorified Lord


The Lord came down from heaven above
The lost to seek and save
And none need ever doubt His love
His life He freely gave

As man he graced the wedding feast
The water turned to wine
As God He spake and storms were ceased
A proof He was Divine

His tender heart was moved for all
The sons of Adams race
He saw the havoc of the fall
He moved in lowly grace

He fed the multitude with bread
He made the blind to see
He healed the sick He raised the dead
He set the captives free

The joy He brought to many a heart
No human tongue can tell
When words of peace He did impart
He has done all things well

Oh Lord may we from day to day
Prove worthy of Thy love
And something of Thy grace display
Until we meet above.


Dear Lord we look alone to Thee
Thy precious blood our only plea
So freely shed on that cursed tree
That guilty sinners might go free

We stand upon redemption ground
Sins shackles now are all unbound
And on the glorious liberty
Enjoyed by all who trust in Thee

Thy precious blood speaks peace to all
Who humbly at Thy cross will fall
And There would view the crimson tide
That flowed Dear Lord from Thy pierced side

And Lord our theme will ever be
Throughout a long eternity
The precious ever precious blood
That reconciled us to God
(10 – 2 – 66)


His grace is sufficient,
Then why need I fear,
Though the testing be hard,
And the trial severe?
He tempers each wind
That upon me doth blow,
And tenderly whispers,
Thy Father doth know.

His power is sufficient,
Then why should I quail,
Though the storm clouds hang low,
And wild is the gale?
His strength will not falter,
Whatever betide,
And safe on His bosom
He bids me to hide.

His love is sufficient,
Yes, boundless and free;
As high as the mountains,
As deep as the sea.
Ah, there will I rest
Till the darkness is o’er,
And wake in His likeness,
To dwell evermore.
Author Unknown


They borrowed a bed to lay His head
When Christ the Lord came down;
They borrowed the ass in the
mountain pass
For Him to ride to town;
But the crown He wore
And the cross He bore
Were His own.

He borrowed the bread when the
crowd He fed
On the grassy mountain side;
He borrowed the dish of broken fish
With which He satisfied;
But the crown He wore
And the cross He bore
Were His own.

He borrowed the ship in which to sit
To teach the multitude;
He borrowed the nest in which to rest,
He had never a home so rude;
But the crown He wore
And the cross He bore
Were His own.

He borrowed a room on the way to the tomb
The Passover lamb to eat;
They borrowed the cave; for Him a grave;
They borrowed the winding sheet.
But the crown He wore
And the cross He bore
Were His own.

The thorns on His head were worn in my stead,
For me the Saviour died.
For guilt of my sin the nails drove in
When Him they crucified;
Though the crown He wore
And the cross He bore
Were His own—
They rightly were mine.

“Who His own self bare our sins in His own body
on the tree that we, being dead to sins, should
live unto righteousness: by Whose stripes ye
were healed” (1 Peter 2:24


“They worshipped Him”—in breathless awe
The wise men knelt before Him;
They traveled far with gifts of gold,
Their purpose to adore Him.

They worshipped, for in Him they saw
The hope of all that’s human;
The Son of God—the Son of Man—
The Scripture’s great denouement!

“They worshipped Him”—Lord, make us wise
As once again this story
Is caroled to a needy world,
Lest blinded to His glory.

We miss the meaning of His birth
So occupied with giving,
With tinseled tree and mistletoe,
With merriment and living.

We fail to see the Gift of God,
Christ crucified—Christ risen;
And failing to discern His Cross
We miss the way to heaven!
Gene Farrell

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life” (John 3:16).