101 Scientific Facts

Home › Bible / Science 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge Psalm 19:1-3 – The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Jeremiah 10:12 – He has made…
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What Are The Laws Of Thermodynamics?

Home › Bible / Science What Are The Laws Of Thermodynamics? The laws of thermodynamics are concerned with heat, mechanical energy, and the conversion between the two. All physical, biological, and chemical processes known to man are subject to these laws. Science often speaks of four laws of thermodynamics, but only two have a meaningful…
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What Is The Anthropic Principle?

Home › Bible / Science What Is The Anthropic Principle? Anthropic means “relating to human beings or their existence.” Principle means “law.” The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a…
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Fulfilled Prophecy as Evidence for 
the Bible’s Divine Origin

Home › Got Questions? Fulfilled Prophecy as Evidence for 
the Bible’s Divine Origin 2,000 prophecies including approximately 200 about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. While a few of the prophecies have not yet been fulfilled (for example, the Second Coming of Christ), there are no prophetic failures. While there are both obvious and subtle…
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How Is Jesus Unique?

Home › Apologetics How Is Jesus Unique? Jesus Christ is unique as the only begotten Son of God (Psalm 2:7, 11–12; John 1:14; 3:16; Luke 1:35). Jesus is the “one-of-a-kind” Son of God in that He shares the same divine nature as God.   Jesus Christ is unique in that He is eternal. He existed…
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If God Is All Powerful

Home › Apologetics If God Is All Powerful It is often asked why is there suffering in the world, if God is all powerful and loving.  Why doesn’t He stop it?  Can He or is He weaker than we think?  Suffering can fall into three simple categories: emotional, mental, and physical suffering.  But, there are…
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Is God Man-Made?

Home › Apologetics Is God Man-Made? Some people argue that God is man-made; that is, the concept of God is merely a human fabrication handed down through the generations from those who didn’t know any better. They claim that the idea of a God or gods is simply the way human beings explain things that…
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God’s Way Of Salvation

Home › Articles › God’s Way Of Salvation God’s Way Of Salvation “I Pray Thee Have Me Excused” A distinguished person in the East, at great expense, provided a sumptuous feast, and invited many. When the time came for the arrival of the guests, they all absented themselves, and sent excuses. The fact was, they…
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Ultimate Questions

Home › Articles › Ultimate Questions Ultimate Questions Life is full of questions. Some are trivial, some more serious — and some tremendously important. Even as you read these words you may have questions about your health, your financial situation, your job, your family or your future. But the greatest, the ultimate questions, are about God…
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