Characteristics of the Second Coming of Christ

Home › End Times Characteristics of the Second Coming of Christ During the difficult days of World War II there was a well-known radio news commentator who began each evening’s news using exactly the same introductory words, “Ah, there’s good news tonight!”. Yes, regardless of how many allied ships were sunk, or how many allied…
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Blessed Assurance

Articles Blessed Assurance Saved … can I be sure? Can I sing with Fanny Crosby in her hymn, “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; O what a foretaste of glory divine!” Many souls have been held hostage to their doubts and fears without the assurance of salvation. It would hardly be salvation, if I wasn’t sure…
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Baptismal Regeneration

Home › Articles › The Church Baptismal Regeneration Christ commanded His original disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mk 16:15). Those of every nation who believed in Christ as their Savior were to be baptized “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Mt…
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Are You Saved?

Articles Are You Saved? The Bible says, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!” (2 Cor. 13:5).  Well, are you in the faith?  Have you examined yourself?  It is easy to ask and sometimes difficult to answer. The Christian faith is as follows.  There is one God in all existence who is…
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Are The Miracles In The Bible To Be Taken Literally?

Home › Apologetics Are The Miracles In The Bible To Be Taken Literally? Yes, the miracles of the Bible are to be taken literally, just as all Scripture is to be taken literally except those portions which are clearly intended to be symbolic. An example of symbolism is Psalm 17:8. We are not literally apples…
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Accepted By God

Articles Accepted By God David Sper Our Justification Through Christ What does the Bible have to say to a person who feels too bad to be accepted by God? Or to someone who feels no need of the forgiveness that Christ offers? Or to a person who wonders how anyone on earth can make it…
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Able To Save

Articles Able To Save J. C. Ryle “He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” HEBREWS 7: 25. There is one subject in religion, about which you can never know too much. That subject is Jesus Christ the Lord.…
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A Risen Saviour

Articles A Risen Saviour The period during which our blessed Lord lay in the tomb must needs have proved a dark and bewildering moment to many of those who looked for redemption in Israel. It would demand a calm, clear and vigorous faith to raise the heart above the heavy clouds which gathered just then…
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A ‘Greater Than’ Is Here

Articles A ‘Greater Than’ Is Here In the twelfth chapter of Matthew, we have Jesus referring to Himself as “a greater than.”  On three occasions, each time in answer to the Pharisees’ and scribes’ behaviour and questioning.  We shall consider these three statements of the Lord Jesus.  Greater than the temple. V.6 Greater than Jonah V.41.     …
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A General Resurrection

Articles 38 Things That Happen When We Get Saved Question: Does the Bible teach a general resurrection of all at the same time? Answer: I  don’t suppose there is a more common belief that it does, but the answer is emphatically “no.” This is traditional teaching, not founded on the Bible. The Greek word “ek-nekroo”…
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