Give Me The Works, Father

Home › Articles › Life After Death Give Me The Works, Father I recently attended the funeral Mass of a dear Catholic lady. It was a sad occasion. In the last weeks of her life, I had tried to share the good news of Jesus Christ with her. I told her of God’s free offer of…
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Is There Life After Death?

Home › Articles › Life After Death Is There Life After Death? Evidence For The Christian’s Resurrection Many people are fascinated with what have been referred to as near-death experiences. Numerous books and TV programs have explored the stories of those who tell of life beyond death. Some people talk about a momentary release from the…
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The Seven Churches

Home › Bible Study The Seven Churches We now turn to the letters addressed to the first four churches, as found in chapter 2. In the last address I tried to make it clear that the key to the structure of the book is the 19th verse of the first chapter. We have already been occupied…
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What Is The Gospel?

Home › Bible Study What Is The Gospel? “Moreover brethren I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto…
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50 Key Biblical Studies

Home › Articles › Bible Study 50 Key Biblical Studies “But grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).   These are the last words of an old man, written down as his legacy to us.  He was himself a striking example of his own precept.  It would be interesting…
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Doctrinal Summaries

Home › Bible Study Doctrinal Summaries 1. THE GOSPEL AND ITS PROCLAMATION  The Gospel is the disclosure of God’s love, and of God’s work on behalf of a ruined world. The fine old Saxon word, Gospel, meaning glad tidings, is used in various connections in the Scriptures (see Heb. 4. 2; Mark 1. 14; Gal. 3.…
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Biblical Words And Phrases

Home › Articles › Bible Study Biblical Words And Phrases Biblical Words And Phrases View All Articles

Doctrinal Studies

Home › Articles › Bible Study Doctrinal Studies “But grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”  (2 Peter 3:18). These are the last words of an old man, written down as his legacy to us.  He was himself a striking example of his own precept.  It would be interesting study…
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What Is The Bible?

Home › Articles › Bible Study What Is The Gospel? “But grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).   These are the last words of an old man, written down as his legacy to us.  He was himself a striking example of his own precept.  It would be interesting…
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The Lord’s Parables

Home › Bible Study The Lord’s Parables W W Fereday. ContentsForewordThe SowerThe Wheat and the TaresThe Mustard TreeThe LeavenThe Hidden TreasureThe PearlThe Drag-NetThe Two ServantsThe Labourers in the Vineyard The Two SonsThe Wicked HusbandmenThe Marriage of the King’s Son The Ten VirginsThe TalentsThe Sleepinq HusbandmanThe Two BuildersThe Two DebtorsThe Good SamaritanThe Stronger than the Strong The…
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