Is God Dead?

Home › Articles › Apologetics Is God Dead? Answer: The technical term for the teaching that “God is dead” is the othanatology, a three-fold compound from the Greek: theos (god) + thanatos (death) + logia (word). German poet and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is most famous for making the statement “God is dead” in the Nineteenth Century.…
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What Are The Dangers Of Post-Modernism?

Home › Articles › Apologetics What Are The Dangers Of Post-Modernism? Answer: Simply put, Postmodernism is a philosophy that affirms no objective or absolute truth, especially in matters of religion and spirituality. When confronted with a truth claim regarding the reality of God and religious practice, Postmodernism’s viewpoint is exemplified in the statement “That may…
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I Am A Buddhist – Why Should I Become A Christian?

Home › Got Questions? I Am A Buddhist – Why Should I Become A Christian? Compared with Buddhism, Christianity has several distinguishing features which show that it deserves consideration. First, while both Christianity and Buddhism have an historical central figure, namely Jesus and Buddha respectively, only Jesus is shown to have risen from the dead.…
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What Does The Bible Teach About The Trinity?

Home › Got Questions? What Does The Bible Teach About The Trinity? Some critics of the Trinity doctrine claim that since the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible, it isn’t true. Furthermore, some assert that if God wanted us to believe in the Trinity He would have stated the doctrine clearly. First of…
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What Is Karma?

Home › Got Questions? What Is Karma? Karma is a theological concept found in the Buddhist and Hindu religions. It is the idea that how one lives one’s life will determine the quality of life one will have when one is reincarnated. In other words, if one is unselfish, kind, and holy during their lifetime,…
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Was Jesus Just A Good Human Teacher?

Home › Got Questions? Was Jesus Just A Good Human Teacher? Answer: “I think,” a young man told me earnestly, “that Jesus’ teachings were good, but He was just an ordinary man. After He died, His followers invented the story about the Resurrection and started talking as if He were God. They meant well, of…
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Is It Possible For Good People To Go To Hell?

Home › Got Questions? Is It Possible For Good People To Go To Hell? Question: How can God allow nice people to go to hell and bad people to go to heaven? Answer: We all know people whom we value, who seem like genuinely good, kind people. But the Bible makes it clear that even these…
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Saint Patrick

Home › Articles › The Church Saint Patrick Dear Friend, I would like to give you a very warm welcome to one of the most beautiful places in Ireland. I am glad to meet you here, on the west coast of County Mayo, at the majestic mountain originally known as Cruaic Aigli. The locals here call…
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True and False Worship: The Cross and the Mass

Home › Articles › The Church True and False Worship: The Cross and the Mass Introduction Worshiping God is that communion that exists in true harmony between the Creator and the creature man. A. Before the Fall, There were no restraints on relationship between God and Adam. God spoke to Adam, laying out for him hi…
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What Does The Bible Say About Purgatory?

Home › Got Questions? What Does The Bible Say About Purgatory? The Bible never speaks of a place where one can go to be purified of his sin. Rather, it always speaks of a Person to whom we can go to be purified: Jesus Christ. God tells us that those who refuse to trust Christ…
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